Politics is a Big Pile of Moose Poopy

I’m pretty disgusted with politics. But that’s nothing new.

Let me put in a little disclaimer that I am about as far from an expert on political science as it is possible to be. Someone starts talking politics and my most frequent reaction is to leave the immediate area as soon as possible. I’m politically naive. I don’t watch Meet the Press, I don’t read The New York Times, and I’m not a Young (or old) Republican or Democrat. The following words are purely my opinions, a large dose of speculation and probably some misinterpretations. I’m okay with that.

Growing up in one of the most liberal Jewish households on the face of the earth, I proudly registered as a Democrat as soon as I turned eighteen. A scant 10 months later, amidst the nausea-inducing rigmarole surrounding the 1984 primaries, I saved my sanity by completely abandoning party politics and changing my preference to NPA – No Party Affiliation. I just didn’t want to be associated with any of the bozos that were running, or the political machines that were running them.

Not much has changed.

In the years since I’ve voted every which way, usually for the lesser of the presented evils, and have never regretted my decision to keep as far away from any political party as possible. I have most certainly gotten more conservative as I’ve gotten older, which was quite surprising to me. Perhaps I was more idealistic in my youth, perhaps I’ve gotten more fearful in the face of the world’s problems. Perhaps it’s that I see now the prices we are paying for some of the choices we made years ago. But I digress…

Living in Florida (Home of the Hanging Chad), I don’t get to vote in the primaries. Florida isn’t like New Hampshire, where they let you choose a party for the primary and then immediately (before you even leave the polling location) switch back to NPA. I’m not sure which way is sillier.


There are a few politically-related things that have been swimming around my brain that I want to put down on virtual paper.

The Electoral College

There are many arguments for and against the Electoral College. I don’t even really understand the complexities of this system. I’m sure there were good reasons for it at the time, but in our modern world I just don’t see the necessity.

Besides, I just can’t understand why the popular vote doesn’t decide the election winner. Even given the fact that many people really have no clue about the positions of the candidates (casting their vote based upon the candidate’s race, gender, the color of their eyes, what a pundit says, the order on the ballot or because Oprah or some other celebrity says so) it seems to me that it’s only fair if every American gets a vote, and majority rules.

But what do I know?

Anything to Get Elected

There are debates. There are public appearances. There are hundred-page-long platform papers. There are interviews. There are written question-and-answer articles. There are websites. There are phone calls and commercials. There are millions of words written by, for, and about the candidates.

The only problem is that it means little. The Washington Post profiled each of the major candidates (another topic I’ll cover), and asked each the same questions on the topics of Health Care, Social Security, Iraq, National Security, Energy, Immigration, Affirmative Action, Economy, Budget, Education, Gay Marriage, Abortion, Poverty, Gun Control, Stem Cell Research, and their Top Priorities. Terrific questions. Important questions.

After reading the profiles, Kate, in a post over at One More Thing, commented that the candidates don’t differ much, and she’s right. They don’t. The answers are snazzily produced and heavily edited. They say what they, and their political machines, think they need to say to get elected. My cynical self can’t help but wonder how far their actions if elected would differ from what’s coming out of their mouths on the campaign trail. How much they will compromise their own beliefs (if they even recall what they are) in the name of progress. And you and I know that they surely will.


The Candidates, The Debates and Media Coverage in General

Mike Gravel. Dennis Kucinich. Alan Keyes. Ron Paul. Rory Frank. Heather Johnson.

Did you know they were running for President? They’re Democrats and Republicans, and even if you’ve heard of them most don’t know they’re running this year.

I’d tell you to forget about William Hale, Albert Hamburg, Dennis Hanaghan, David Hollist, and Todd Clayton, but you can’t forget about people you’ve never heard of before. For all you know they could be porn stars. They are Presidential candidates. Really.

We know nothing about Independents, Green Party candidates and those with No Party Affiliation. The media completely ignores them. Except for Ralph Nader, of course.

Did you know that 252 people have formed or announced a Presidential exploratory or campaign committee with the Federal Election Commission or filed a statement of candidacy? Two hundred fifty-two. Yowza.

I’ll bet 90 percent of the country doesn’t. That’s due, in large part, to the media almost completely ignoring anyone who isn’t Red or Blue, or has enough money to buy their way into coverage like Ross Perot and Michael Bloomberg.

Televised debates are only for the top candidates. Last week Ron Paul was not permitted to take part in Fox News’ Republican candidate debate, and he’s not the first. Fox isn’t the only news organization choosing who can participate, who can get the type of media exposure necessary to contend. Where do you draw the line – and who should draw it?

Don’t even get me started on the liberal slant the major networks have steadily moved towards over the past twenty years. Media executives broadcast and story decisions are slanted based on their own truths, their own political views, and what will bring in the most money. Liberal? NBC is for you. Conservative? Fox News or AM radio will be your source. Conspiracy theorist? There’s a zillion websites for you, my husband’s brethren.

Whatever happened to objective journalism? Is it even possible for it to exist? Did it ever?

Responsible voters will learn as much as possible and make the most informed choice they can. It’s our responsibility to do so. Words cannot describe my frustration with people who…don’t. I’m not saying you must spend three hundred hours researching, I’m just saying please don’t choose based on whim.

Sigh. I’ll stop talking. For now.

7 Responses to “Politics is a Big Pile of Moose Poopy”

  1. nottheplan Says:

    I’m convinced that the mainstream media all got together awhile ago to choose the next president. And from now until November, they’ll do their darndest to brainwash Americans into electing that person.

  2. Democrats @ 2008 Presidential Election » Politics is a Big Pile of Moose Poopy Says:

    […] Are You Going To Be This Way The Rest of The Time I Know You? put an intriguing blog post on Politics is a Big Pile of Moose PoopyHere’s a quick excerpt […]

  3. Good Fountain Says:

    I believe at one point journalism was fair and objective. But those days are long, long gone. I read somewhere recently that no one is as interested in the Presidential Election as the media . And no one watches those shows except political advisers. I kinda believe it’s true.

    Either way, I’m like you and I avoid politics … until about october.

  4. I’m A Pundit Too | Carnival of Political Punditry - January 13, 2008 Says:

    […] presents Politics is a Big Pile of Moose Poopy posted at Are You Going To Be This Way The Rest of The Time I Know […]

  5. Does this Mean I Can Call Myself a Published Author? « Are You Going To Be This Way The Rest of The Time I Know You? Says:

    […] wrote a bit of a rant on politics in my post Politics is a Big Pile of Moose Poopy .  It was included in the Carnival of Principled Government hosted at She’s Right,  and at […]

  6. Mister Guy Says:

    What the electoral college does, IMO, is limit the potential for controversy over the election process to a state or a portion of a state. We didn’t see calls for a nationwide election recount in 2000 or 2004.

    Also, it’s true that the electoral college has reflected who’s won at least a pluarilty of the popular vote since the late 1800s, when the modern system for how states chose their electors came about. Yes, Al Gore did win in 2000, but he was denied this by our Supreme Court.

    Without the electoral college…campaigns would be confined to big cities only.

    Do you *really* think at this late date that there’s no significant difference between Democratic and GOP Presidencial candidates?? You can’t be unengaged until a month before an election and expect to make an informed decision IMO.

  7. More Carnivals than the Miami Archdiocese « Are You Going To Be This Way The Rest of The Time I Know You? Says:

    […] The Rants Carnival – February 1, 2008 over at Rants ‘n Reviews thought enough of my articles Politics is a Big Pile of Moose Poopy and Hey Legislators! Let’s make a Minimum 24-hour Jail Stay Mandatory to include both. The […]

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