Tylenol Recalls Children’s and Infants’ Tylenol!

I hardly ever give Dan Tylenol, but I always have it on hand.  I  replaced some long-expired product not too long ago, just in case.

Today I wake up to news that the makers of Children’s Tylenol have announced a voluntary recall of more than 20 children’s and infants’ liquid products.

Apparently,  “select lots” of the products  are being recalled due to a bacteria that was found in medicine manufactured between April and June 2008.

The recall was done on a warehouse and retail level. Products already packaged and on store shelves have been deemed safe.  They say that no bacteria has not been found in any of the finished products – which really makes no sense to me.  Does that mean that it takes nearly a year and a half after production for it to reach us?

The full list of affected products can be found at Tylenol.com. Consumers can find the lot numbers on the bottom of the box containing the product and also on the sticker that surrounds the product bottle.

Please check your stash, and call your pediatrician if you have any questions.

Homemade, Natural Hand Sanitizer Recipe

There must be lots of people who want a hand sanitizer that doesn’t  include alcohol.  I’d never really thought about it before  my local news did a story about an alternative.  Apparently essential oils have the same antibacterial qualities as alcohol, and they smell better, too!

This is not an endorsement for the safety, efficacy or frugality of the recipe or it’s contents.  Always check with your doctor and lawyer before doing anything, especially anything I talk about.  Use at your own risk.  Don’t  sue me.

According to my local news, this is how you make “natural” hand sanitizer:

Fill a small spray bottle halfway with sterile (I’m assuming distilled) water.

Add to it:

1 tsp Aloe Vera gel

1-2 drops of cinnamon oil

1 drop of eucalyptus oil

1 drop of clove bud oil

1 drop of rosemary oil

5 drops of lemon oil (for scent_

Top it off with more sterile water.

Shake well and… voila!

Not frugal, certainly.  You can get a ten gallon tub of off-brand sanitizer for thirty-seven cents (okay, not really).   The essential oils aren’t cheap.  Still, it’s kind of a neat idea.  Put it in pretty spray bottles and it might make a nice stocking stuffer idea, too.  Especially for all you crunchy people!

Whatever type you decide on, please wash often.  I don’t want to catch H1N1, Swine, or any other Flu or virus, thankyouverymuch.

Captain Obvious Reports: Don’t Cough Into Your HAND, Silly!

Okay, this one I’m embarrassed  about.

“If  you cough, cough into your hand or fist.”  That’s what I was told as a child, what I’ve always done, and what I’ve taught Son.

Never in all those years did it ever occur  to me that coughing into my hand actually endangers more people than coughing into a crowded elevator.

Why does it endanger more?  Because I then use that hand to shake yours, or to turn the doorknob, or to move hangers on a clothes rack.  So the viral or bacterial germs go from my wretchedly sick insides to my hand, where I pass them onto whomever or whatever I come in contact with, leaving whomever or whatever they come in contact with free to share  some more.


It makes much more sense to cough into a tissue (and immediate dispose of it).  If a tissue is unavailable then the best thing to do is cough into your elbow.  At least then the germs aren’t  as easily spread, though I recommend steering clear of any mosh pits or orgies.

But then, I’d recommend that anyway.  At least until you’re well.

So my new mantra to Son will be, “Cough into your elbow”.

I’m sure many of you figured this out ages ago and didn’t need a Captain Obvious Report.

But for those of you out there who regularly or temporarily reside in Oblivia, Captain Obvious bulletins are helpful, aren’t they?

Patient, Diagnose Thyself

You may have noticed that apart from a few Deals I’ve been conspicuously absent for most of the past week.

That’s because I’ve been dealing with my second illness in as many weeks, and this time I very nearly did cough up a lung.

I wound up going back to the doctor whose office I’d like to quit because in my weakened state I just did not have it in me to keep trying to find a doctor whose office staff wasn’t hostile, that took my insurance and was willing to see me that day.  In all fairness I only called two, but I think I could have called twenty and had the same result.

So, after a monsyllabic (on their part) conversation with her staff to get the appointment, Son and I made the forty-five minute trek to my current doctor’s office.  At least this time the diagnosis did not come from Son’s doctor (he frequently tells me what’s wrong with me and I then enlighten my own doctor), but the trend did continue in a way since I diagnosed  myself.

Me:  I think I have asthma.  Remember how I’ve told you before that sometimes I feel like I’m breathing through gauze (and you looked at me like I had three heads)?  Well, I think that’s an attack of some sort and could benefit from an inhaler.

Doctor:  Hmmm.  Oh yes.  That sounds like Reactive Airway Disease.  Yes.

So, it turns out I have Reactive Airway Disease, just like Son.   I am the proud owner of my own inhaler, some steroids, a strong antibiotic, a kickass cough medicine – and I get to share Son’s nebulizer.

After two days of medication and almost-complete bedrest I feel a thousand percent better.  I still have not used my inhaler yet, but am comforted that I have it so that in future I can breathe more easily and hopefully avoid hours of body-wracking coughs that leave me exhausted and sore.

And come the new year I am in search of a new doctor.  One that is nearby, has a pleasant office staff and takes my insurance.  It may be a bloody battle, but I’ll find one.

Hopefully before I get sick again.

Share a Hug with Your Pets on Thanksgiving, Not the Food

If you’re tempted to share your Thanksgiving meal with your dog or cat, think again.

Turkey and stuffing and all the rich foods that go along with Thanksgiving can lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting for pets.  At least according to an article I read today, and my friend who’s a vet.

There are people out there who actually think about feeding their pets a traditional Thanksgiving meal, complete with turkey and stuffing.  A meal like that can be lethal to pets, so please don’t do it.
Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep your pet on its regular food and routine feeding schedule.
  • Do not feed your pet any turkey. The seasoning, skin and gravy can cause inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Do not give your pet bones. Turkey bones are particularly dangerous because the bones can splinter and cause intestinal damage.
  • Secure the garbage can. Don’t make it easy for your pet to help itself to tossed table scraps.
  • Spiked eggnog is a no-no. Alcohol can cause coma and death. Eggnog can cause diarrhea.
  • If necessary, keep your dog in another room during dinnertime so it can’t beg at the table.

If you must, buy some canned food and mold it into a turkey shape. But beforefeeding any people food to your pets always, always check with your veterinarian first!

Is the Flu Shot Necessary? An Alternative by a Genius or a Yahoo – You Decide

Son is asthmatic, so a flu shot has been very strongly recommended by his pediatrician every year since birth. Even though I knew there were some few risks, Son is so susceptible to bronchitis and bronchiolitis we have definitrly been more afraid of what the flu would do. So we’ve had him vaccinated and have been lucky that he had no side effects.  And no flu.

This year Son’s asthma is markedly better. We’re hoping that asthma will soon be in his past, or at the very worst he’ll be left with a very mild case. And now it’s flu shot time again.

For the first time we’re considering not immunizing him, though we probably still will. Husband and I were having a conversation about it yesterday and today he sent me a link with video of a doctor calling into question the effectiveness of the vaccine for children in Son’s age group.


This guy has some interesting things to say.  Why, then, do I think he’s a yahoo?  Husband hears this and gets all nervous about the vaccine.  I hear this guy say that most deaths attributed to the flu are actually caused by pneumonia, therefore the government is lying to us and I roll my eyes.  I’m not a doctor, but pneumonia is a lung infection.  Why is it not possible for the flu to precede, cause or at least create an environment ripe for lung infections, making the flu the proximate cause of death? And therefore acceptable to be included in statistics as a flu death?

Still, I’m open to hearing about other things we can do to stave off the flu.  Aren’t you?

He recommends we take megadoses of Vitamin D to prevent the flu instead.  And he thinks that the best way to get that is through sunlight, though that may be hard to come by in the winter.  So he recommends a tanning bed (aren’t those UNsafe???) for those who won’t be able to bake themselves in sunlight.  If neither of those are an option only then does he recommend taking vitamins, at 2000 international units (iu) per day for a child and 5000 iu per day for an adult.

He asserts that such megadoses of Vitamin D can also help lessen the severity of the flu if you’ve got it.  He recommends 2000 iu per kilogram of body weight taken as one dose every day for three days.

I know that last year’s flu shot was a big bust.  But I think I have to trust the doctor we’ve known for nearly five years when he tells us that this year’s shot is much better, that they learned a great deal from last year’s debacle, and that all of the metals that Dr. Yahoo warns us about are ever-present in our bodies.  Still, I’m going to call Son’s Doctor on Monday to ask about the Mercury.  Mercury scares me ever since Mr. Ski, my 7th grade science teacher,  told us that Mercury ingested now can kill us 10, 20 or even thirty years later.  As we made our own thermometers with real Mercury.  Nightmares, I tell you.

This is the double-edged sword that is the internet.  There is so much information out there that we have no way of knowing if the source is credible.  How do I even know this guy is truly an MD?  And believe me,  if there’s a conspiracy theory to be found, Husband will find it.

As I keep telling him, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

How to Not End the Year Fatter than You Are Now

Did you know that the average American consumes 4500 calories on Thanksgiving Day? And if you’re like me you gave two different Thanksgiving dinners to attend.  That reminds me – put Pepto-Bismol on the shopping list!

For many of us, the six weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day become one long excuse to eat and drink to our heart’s content  I’ve taken that to the Nth degree and have been on the 12 month plan.  Not my  best idea.  Time to make some changes.

Holiday parties and gatherings with family and friends can take a toll on our willpower and our waistlines which is why millions of us pledge to go on a diet come January 1st. Here are some tips to make the holidays less weighty, and perhaps start the new year with a few less pounds to lose.

  1. Exercise. Not only is exercise a great way to burn off a lot of those extra calories you’ll be consuming, but it’s also a great stress reliever. Have a houseload of guests? Too many obligations and not enough time to get it all done? Take a break and take a walk, each and every day.
  2. Eat before you go out. Lots of us think that by not eating before we go out, we’re saving calories that we can use up while we’re out. Makes sense but often, we eat more than we normally would because we’re starving. Have a healthy meal, or even an apple and a glass of water before you go out and you’ll likely eat less later.
  3. Adapt old traditions. Make the traditions you’ve always enjoyed healthier.  Here’s an idea: use those cookie cutters to make fun holiday shapes out of cheese instead of cookie dough.
  4. Start new traditions. How about a healthy recipe exchange amongst your friends and family?  Everyone can bring their favorite healthy dish and written copies of the recipe to taste and share.
  5. Listen to you. If you feel stressed out and want to leave a party or get away from your family and friends for a bit, do it. Don’t force yourself to be uncomfortable, neither you nor any-one around you will have any fun.
  6. Remember what’s important. We all wish we were thinner and that our houses were cleaner, but that’s not why we get together with family and friends and it shouldn’t diminish our enjoyment of these social events. If you’re going out, don’t obsess over how you look; no one else will notice that you’re less than perfect. If you’re having people over, don’t frantically clean if you don’t have the time (except the toilet – that must be done, especially of you have a four-year-old with less-than-perfect aim). The point is to spend time with the people you care about, celebrate life and have fun.

Adapted from an article in Husband’s company newsletter.   Some are theirs as I found them, some of theirs I changed, and  some are all mine.  Please don’t sue me.

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Legal, Pet Insurance and Lots of Little Perks

This is the final post of a series of posts on choosing benefits.  Today I will look at the ins and outs of the offered Legal Plan, Pet Insurance, Discount Programs and the rest for tomorrow.

In addition to all of the other great benefits, Large Conglomerate offers an array of add-on benefits.

Hyatt Legal Plan – offers unlimited telephone advice and consultation with a participating Plan attorney for covered services including:

  • Family law including premarital agreements
  • Wills and estate planning
  • Traffic and criminal matters
  • Real estate including sale, purchase or refinance of primary residence, and eviction and  tenant problems
  • Identity theft defense
  • Tax audits
  • Immigration assistance
  • Security deposit assistance for tenants
  • Boundary or title disputes
  • Property tax assessment
  • Zoning applications
  • Protection from domestic violence

You get all of that for $15.75 per month, or $189 per year, and it covers the employee and eligible dependents.

We have two lawyers in the family, so I’ll be skipping this.  That said, if you think you’ll need an attorney in 2009 for any of the above items then it would be worth finding out about.  Me?  I’d rather use that money towards a Personal Liability Umbrella.

So, this is a no.

Pet Insurance – through Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI), they direct bill you for coverage.  We’re offered a 5% discount, and you have to click on the details button to find out that the discount applies to the premium of the base policy only, it does not apply to the Lost/Found Registration or optional coverage such as the Vaccination & Routine Care Coverage or the VPI Cancer Rider. Can not be combined with other discounts.

Woo. Hoo.

Birds, dogs, cats and other animals are covered.  Features include:

  • Choice of three different plans
  • Discounts for 2 or more pets enrolled
  • Routine care is an optional coverage
  • Helps with lab fees, treatments, prescription, surgery or more
  • Use any licensed veterinarian

I did an online quote and for my six-year-old mixed breed it ranged from $16.77 per month for their basic plan with no increased wellness coverage to a whopping $52.40 per month for their premier plan with increased wellness coverage.

Doing the math, that’s between $201.24 and $628.80 per year.  This dog, luckily, has not cost us a cent in veterinary bills for the past four years (We have two friends that are veterinarians, so get advice on the phone on the few occasions needed).  So even if we got a hige bill this year unless they cover $800 of it we’re ahead.

All that said, my beloved Jonah cost me over $200 per month with his Cushing’s Disease, thyroid problems and epilepsy.  Most plans won’t cover those things anyway.

Also a no.

Employee Assistance Program – supplies confidential, professional assistance with a wide range of work/life issues.  Information, counseling and referrals are provided for a wide range of needs.  I’m sure someone uses this service, and I’m glad it’s there for them.

Free, but no thank you.

Back-Up Care Advantage Program – Provides safe, affordable and reliable back-up child and adult/elder care services to employees and their families.     It’s a great benefit because it offers people an alternative when schools are closed, regular providers are on vacation or illness.  You can use home or center-based care at a very discounted rate.

  • Center-based care is $15 per child per day, $25 maximum for two or more children
  • In-home care is $4 per hour during weekdays  and $6 per hour evenings and weekends.
  • Medical care is $50 per hour
  • You must register.  Reservations are required, but they probnably have some last-minute availability for illnesses.  You can call 24/7.

I had to scramble earlier this year when I had to take my Dad for surgery.  I’m not sure how comfortable I am with strangers taking care of Son (he’s never had a babysitter), but I may check out the nearest center just in case something like this pops up again.

Health Advocate –  Helps employees and their faamilies navigate the health care system – an invaluable help when a serious illness strikes.  And it’s available to all active employees, spouses, parents and parents-in-law regardless of whether they are enrolled in one of Large Conglomerate’s health plans!

  • Clinical Support Services – care coordination among physicians and medical institutions and many other sevices
  • Administrative Supprt Services – including claims and billing assistance, fee negotiation with providers for treatment, and, when necessary, appeals assistance and information about alternative resources or coverage options.
  • Healthcare Coaching – helps particpiants manage their healthcare and treatment
  • Information and Service Support – helps members locate and arrange a wide array of services, access to experts for consltations and second  opinions, locate and arrange for special needs including transportation, and more.
  • Privacy – When a member takes advantafge of this service their provacy and health information is protected “to the fullest extent provided by applicable law”.

This is a terrific program I hope never to have to take advantage of.

Not now, but maybe someday.

Wellnessworx – a confidential and voluntary collection of tools, resources and personalized support to try to help you get/stay healthy.  It offers:

Health Risk Assessment (HRA) – a report card for your health.  You work on your own or with a Health Coach to formulate an action plan to target specific areas for improvement.

Healthways Health Coaching Program – using your HRA and looking at your filed health claims (Big Brother!), they may  contact us to work with highly trained coaches to support you in improving your health.

Healthways Condition Management Program – Helps those with common medical issues manage their conditions and improve their  health.

These guys send stuff to Husband all the time, which he valiantly ignores.  It’s all a little too Orwellian for me.

No thank you.

Nationwide Discounts – Large Conglomerate offers discounts to employees and their  families for a wide range of products and services.  We’re currently saving 10% on our cell phones, and I used their service to get a great deal on Husband’s MAC last year.  I check the website frequently for any new additions that we can take advantage of.  Also, through Aetna Wellness Products and Cigna Healthy Awards Discount Programs we can get discounts through our medical and dental providers for weight loss programs, gyms,  smoking cessation, alternative health care, vision, and hearing services.

Yes, thanks!

So, ladies and gentlemen, we’re done.  Now all that’s left is for me to go to the website and tell them my choices.  Since ther website is down I’ll have to wait, so it’s  a good  thing they extended the deadline.

I know this was boring as heck, but doing this forced me to actually read everything, something I haven’t done.  Ever.  I hope I’ve inspired you to do the same.

Read the rest of the series!

It’s Benefits Enrollment Time, Series Overview

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Medical Insurance Part 1 – Evaluating What You’ve Got

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Medical Insurance Part 2 – The Plans and What They Really Cost

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Dental Insurance and Why The Math is So Important

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Life Insurance a Bargain For Us

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Seeing the Vision Plan Clearly. Finally.

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Disability and Long Term Care Insurance are Good to Have

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Disability and Long Term Care Insurance are Good to Have

This is part of a series of posts on choosing benefits.  Today I will look at the ins and outs of our choices for Disability, and Long Term Care insurance.  I’d forgotten about Disability, so I’ll save  Legal, Pet Insurance, Discount Programs and the rest for tomorrow.

We are really so lucky that Large Conglomerate gives us access to so many benefit programs.  In addition to health insurance, dental insurance, vision coverage,and life insurance, we have other choices to make.

Disability Insurance – Besides medical insurance Disability is the most important coverage to have.  At least according to me.  My mother is disabled, and her life (and ours) would be much easier if she had purchased it.  My dear cousin was blessed with a policy that paid her 60 percent of her salary from the day she had to leave her job due to her Multiple Sclerosis more than fifteen years ago, and paid until she passed away from cancer a few months ago.  When I put in an offer on my house the first thing I did was to get a quote for Mortgage Disability Insurance.  Very, very important stuff.

There are two components to the coverage that Large Conglomerate offers:

  • Short-Term Disability – Pays for up to twenty-six weeks if Husband is sick or injured and unable to work for  more  than five consecutive business days.  Large Conflomerate picks up the cost of this completely.  Thank YOU!
  • Long Term Disability – Picks up at twenty-six weeks and covers 60% of Husband’s salary if  he becomes totally disabled.  There are lots of caveats and restrictions that will vary from policy to policy, but the bottom line is this is GOOD.  We have to pay for the Long Term Disability, and at $120 and change per month it’s hard to swallow but not as hard as it would be if we cold even find anyone to give Husband a policy.

A definite YES.

Long Term Care Insurance – Long term care insurance provides assistance with daily living activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, using the restroom and moving about.  Coverage applies either at home or in a facility, and it doesn’t matter whether you’ve been in an accident, sick or just dealing with the  effects of aging.

This is hugely important insurance to us, especially because we are older parents.  We don’t want Son to have to pay to take care of us, or take care of us himself.  If you want to know more of the reasons why we are very much sold on Long Term Care Insurance you can read the post I’ve already written about it.

That said, with only one income, and with both of is being 43 years old, we’re not ready to buy it yet.  And because we didn’t buy it at our first opportunity we’d have to provide the dreaded Evidence of Insurability.  Remember our old friend Diabetes?    Which means  they won’t issue the policy.  Pity, because we could have gotten a $200 per day benefit for $37.60 per month each.  That’s an excellent premium.

Rest assured we will take advantage of this option if we are ever given the opportunity (hopefully the job Husband gets when we finially move will offer it).

TIP: Something I’ve learned is to really read through all of your options when you get a new job and are eligible for benefits.   Know those items that give you a perk for signing up the first time – like not having to provide Evidence of Insurability.  That’s something that could really bite you in the  tush later.

Read the rest of the series!

It’s Benefits Enrollment Time, Series Overview

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Medical Insurance Part 1 – Evaluating What You’ve Got

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Medical Insurance Part 2 – The Plans and What They Really Cost

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Dental Insurance and Why The Math is So Important

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Life Insurance a Bargain For Us

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Legal, Pet Insurance and Lots of Little Perks

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Life Insurance a Bargain For Us

This post is part of a series on choosing benefits.  Today I will look at the ins and outs of our choices for Life Insurance.

The next item on the benefits agenda is life insurance.  Again, Large Conglomerate has several offerings.  Some are free, and some we must pay for.

We are offered:

  • Basic Life/Accidental Death and Dismemberment, with CIGNA Secure Travel
  • Business Travel Accident Insurance
  • Supplemental Life Insurance
  • Personal Accident Insurance
  • Dependent Life Insurance

All of these are provided at NO COST TO US:

Basic Life/Accidental Death and Dismemberment

  • Basic Life Insurance -standard life insurance with a death benefit of 1.5 times Husband’s base salary.
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment (ADD) Insurance – pays an additional amount up to 1.5 times Husband’s base salary if the death is accidental, or if he suffers a dismemberment.  I haven’t seen the coverage for dismemberment, but these benefits are usually paid out as a percentage of the death benefit, and that percentage depends on what has been, er, lost.  I can’t find ours, but here’s a link to another policy and the coverage is likely similar.  It’s a bit macabre to read.  And no, it doesn’t cover if you lose your pinky toe.  Ouch.

CIGNA Secure Travel – This isn’t a death benefit.  As part of the ADD coverage, CIGNA Secure Travel provides emergency medical and travel services whentraveling more than 100 miles from home on company business or vacation.  I never really read this carefully before as Husband doesn’t travel for business, so I didn’t realize it covers vacations, too.  We can get help with pre-trip foreign travel assistance, interpreters, medical referrals, prescription refills, emergency travel services, and transportation of remains.    I will make sure I travel with their 800 number in the future.

Business Travel Accident Insurance

This is the death benefit coverage that pays if Husband dies or is dismembered while on company business.  Benefits vary based on the severity of the injury, but generally will pay up to four times his annual base salary up to 1.5 miillion.  We won’t have any problem staying under that  threshold.   It generally does not cover accidents to and from work.  It likely would provide coverage if he had to go see a client.  If Son and/or I accompanied Husband on a business trip we are also covered, with $50,000 for me and $25000 for Son.

All of that is free, so a very big YES, and  thank  you very much.

These benefits are offered at an additional cost to us:

Supplemental Life Insurance – Allows us to purchase an additional amount of life insurance from one to five times Husband’s salary.  Premiums are paid with after-tax dollars, so there is no tax benefit.  When Husband first started with the company we purchased this coverage, but only did three times his salary.   Then we found out he’s Diabetic. We’d love to increase it, but to increase coverage after you initually enroll you have to show Evidence of Insurability.  Yeah, not happening.  Rates are based on age and salary, and the policy is portable which means you can take it with you when you leave, as long as you are under  age 70.  That’s definitely what we’ll be doing, as buying new Life Insurance for Husband is just way too expensive.

Personal Accident Insurance – This is a new benefit this year.  Basically it’s just another accident policy, but it’s cheap ($.22 per $1000 of coverage), and they do not require Evidence of Insurability.  Pretty much any time I can buy coverage for him without evidence of insurability I do.  Thank you, Diabetes.

Dependent Life Insurance – Son and I are eligible for coverage, and we can choose several different amounts.  We did choose $50000 for me when we got married, which also gives us $10000 for Son.  Again the Evidence of Insurability monster rears it’s ugly head and we cannot increase this.  I have another $25000 in a paid up whole life policy I bought before I retired.  It’s not rated for age, so the $13 per month we pay isn’t bad.

So, yes, we are taking all of that, too.  The bottom line for us and life insurance is that we take as much as we can through work because we won’t be able to get anywhere near a decent rate with individual policies.  Yay aging.  Yay Diabetes.  Yay asthma.

Tomorrow I’ll wind up the series talking about Long Term Care, Legal, Pet Insurance, Discount Programs and the rest.

And then I’ll start writing posts that don’t put you all to sleep.  It will be a nice change.

Read the rest of the series!

It’s Benefits Enrollment Time, Series Overview

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Medical Insurance Part 1 – Evaluating What You’ve Got

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Medical Insurance Part 2 – The Plans and What They Really Cost

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Dental Insurance and Why The Math is So Important

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Seeing the Vision Plan Clearly. Finally.

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Disability and Long Term Care Insurance are Good to Have

It’s Benefit Enrollment Time – Legal, Pet Insurance and Lots of Little Perks